Who we are
A brand for a company is like a reputation for a person. You earn reputation by trying to do hard things well.
Hypace, a brain-child that was cared for, nurtured and raised to be a brand which not only adds much more value to marketing on digital platforms, but also brings about, a revolutionary change in how people perceive a business; and how human psychology and strategic branding can help a business prosper and thrive in the currently growing digital market. Hypace is all about helping small and big businesses create their unique place in the market, through strategic brand building techniques and psychology driven marketing plans.
Rohan Pathak
Hi, this is Rohan Rajkumar. I started Hypace as a way of letting my creative side known to the world, and to also play my part in this great grand scheme of things; stumbling from client to client and city to city, I realized how this company and my team are my family and I aim to treat everything I do here, and all the work that I deliver to my clients, with the utmost love, effort and fantastic designs.
Hi this is Anushree Raval, I have always had a deep interest in marketing principles and building websites, and somehow those things have manifested themself into being Hypace Studios, a company which feels like home; all this dedication, genuine effort and some pixie dust, is what keeps us up, runing and delivering nothing but the absolute best.
Anushree Raval
Bhavesh Jha
Relationship manager
Hi this is Bhavesh Jha, I met Rohan in the most co-incidental way and that somehow became the highlight of my life, as it lead me to this journey with Hypace Studios, and inspired me to become a relationship manager, working my finesse on clients and smoothly handling all their issues, being completely myself.